A big part of our mission is to look after the people in our community. Whether we are in a cost-of-living crisis or not, most people, at some point in their lives needs help.
Malachi Storehouse is our food bank and, works together with ‘Wings’, our project which aims to tackle period poverty.
We have been blessed by regular generous donations from Sainsburys and other businesses which enables us to provide free at the point of need food hampers for those who are struggling.
Hampers can be collected from our ‘Hope Gives Hope’ group (originally a warm space) which runs each Thursday morning at the Penny Hedge, where you can stay for a hot drink, a chat and also enjoy a free breakfast! Or, if you are unable to get out and you are in Whitby or the surrounding areas, we can deliver.
We at Hope Whitby believe that nobody should be without in such uncertain times, so if you or someone you know is in need, please contact us.